Online Journal

Every great thinker keeps a journal, you know.

Chub Lake, Northern Ontario, Canada

Chub Lake, Northern Ontario, Canada

We have a family cottage on Chub Lake in Northern Ontario, Canada. Nathan, Chloe and I took a trip to visit my grandma for a few days. Below are my favorite moments from the trip. Our cottage started out as a one room fishing cottage and over the years the main cabin...

Cooking Cool Summer Vegetable Ramen

Okay guys, this Blue Apron recipe was really fun and different. I thoroughly enjoyed it and would rate it a 4 out of 5. Even though it's pasta, it feels very light. Check out this video of my cooking experience and if you want, cook with me.

Unboxing and Cooking with Blue Apron

I recently signed up for Blue Apron and am pretty sure after one meal, I'm hooked! Each week, Blue Apron sends you fresh ingredients and recipes for 3 meals a week. I'm doing the vegetarian option and last night I made their Summer Mushroom & Bean Pasta. It's...

A Typical Work Day pt. I

I've been working at Ben Hogan Golf for almost a year now as the Creative Services Manager. Basically that means that anything visual that comes from the company goes through me. So far this has been an incredible experience and over the next few weeks I want to share...

Ruidoso, New Mexico

Earlier this month I went to Ruidoso, New Mexico with Nathan and his parents. We had a blast and here are some of my favorite moments. Before we left, I dropped Chloe off at Barb's and Nathan dropped Freddie off at Doggie Digs. Scout, one of his parent's dogs decided...

Revisiting Squashtography

Several years ago I did a photography series called Squashtography. I think everyone as some point in their childhood smushes their face against glass to see who make make the silliest expressions. This was the foundation of this series. The following images are my...

Fishing at Richland Chambers Lake

Fishing at Richland Chambers Lake

Back in January, Nathan, Brian, Kilgo and I bought a 4-hour guided fishing trip on Groupon and after months of planning and rescheduling due to weather, we finally went on our trip. Pardon the images, with rain on the schedule, I decided not to take my Canon, so the...

Caprock Canyons State Park

Caprock Canyons State Park

Caprock Canyons State Park in Quitaque is the home to the Official Bison Herd of Texas. Nathan and I went camping there with Brian and Eric and had an awesome time. There are bison and prairie dogs everywhere! While we were there we went fishing (no catches but lots...
